Sunday, July 17, 2011

Paper Bag Reversible Skirt

I'm always on the look out for easy (so far) sewing tutorials, and I love when I go to a site (most times a  sewing blog), fall in absolute love with a garment, which leads me to another blog where I find too many turtorials than I know what to do with. In this case, I stumbled upon the blog Grosgrain which, in turn, led me to Chie Duncan's blog for her clothing line Vivat Veritas  (I suppose I first went to her etsy shop of the same name, found here ) and then somehow I found this materinity website . I'll never know why I clicked the link, as I'm not expecting nor am I expecting to expect anything of that sort in the near future, but I'm glad I did because I found a skirt tutorial from Chie Duncan detailing the how-to for one of her skirts that she has (had?) in her shop. Unfortunately, I have not begun to sew it yet, because I'm scared I'll ruin the fabric. The fabrics I found I love, probably because both 9.99 a yard fabrics where on sale, one from 9.99 to 5.99 and the other to 3.99 (hot diggity dang, I say!).

I love this material so much, I'll probably just leave the skirt butterfly side out.
I didn't like this one as much, but there was very little by way of options at the fabric store.   

And, as promised, a picture of the headband I made.

Have a wonderful week!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

A Stitch of Sewing

My sewing adventures have finally expanded! It's about time too; I long to make intricately gathered skirts and back-baring dresses and tops and while I'm not there yet, I do believe I am well on my way. I started with a dress made from an over-sized men's button down shirt, tutorial found on I flew through that with only a few mishaps (mostly because my bobbin thread kept breaking.) although by the time I was finished with the piece I was too angry at the thing to put the last touches on it (the straps). I then went through my closet and was inspired to try my hand at transforming my grandma's muu muu into...something. I was onto something, I tell you, but I messed up a bit there, and made it too tight here, and then I didn't want to even look at the thing so it found a new home in the trash. Clearly, I need to work on my patience. That happened (or, rather, didn't happen) twice, but through it all I learned my way around my machine. Now I'm onto headbands and a simple highwaisted and elastic waist reversible skirt. Photos to come!